30年前的室友回台,約我明天在台北見面。那時後兩個小女生ㄧ起搭機去留學。30年後的今天,ㄧ個未婚,ㄧ個已離婚。難道這就是人生?沒有完美的? 翻譯:My 30 years ago roommate returned to Taiwan, we will mee ...《看全文》
你每天來看我的檔案,不曾留言,怪哉! 翻譯:You come to view my file every day, have never left a message, so strange! ...《看全文》
一 位男士幾乎每天留言給我.而且有很長一段時間了. 但我從未回應. 起先以為是無聊人士. 仔細的看了他寫的內容之後. 發現此人文筆不錯. 不知他是否是抄襲來的內容. 管他呢! 反正我每天都刪除. 因為他可能是已婚. 翻譯: A man has le ...《看全文》
今年春節一人在台渡過, 因家人去上海過年了, 小小心願而已, 希望明年能有一個自己的家, 有個伴兒一起過年, 問題是這個伴兒怎麼這麼難找啊?! 翻譯: I was home alone during this lunar new year because m ...《看全文》
Resource of recycling has been executed thoroughly in Taiwan, it really was not easy, Taiwanese people did it seriously no matter ...《看全文》
The security in Taiwan is much better than it in the U.S., remember when I came back to Taiwan last year, sister told me to take e ...《看全文》