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 薔薇 的日記本
Déranger Les Pi 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 J'Arrive A Toi
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篇名: Lady weeping at
作者: 薔薇 日期: 2014.07.22  天氣:  心情:

Lady weeping at the crossroads .在十字路口哭泣的女人

Lady, weepinng at the crossroads,
Would you meet your love
In twilight with his greyhounds,
And the hawk upon his glove?

Bribe the bird then on the branches,
Bribe them to be dumb,
Stare the hot sun out of heaven
That the night may come.

Starless are the nights of travel,
Bleak the winter wind;
Run with terror all before you
And regret behind.

Run until you hear the ocean's
Everlasting cry;
Deep though it may be and bitter
You must drink it dry,

Wear out patience in the lowest
Dungeons of the sea,
Searching through the stranded shipwrecks
For the golden key,

Push on to the world's end, pay the
Dread guard with a kiss
Cross the rotten bridge that totters
Over the abyss.

There stands the deserted castle
Ready to explore;
Enter, climb the marble staircase,
Open the locked door.

Cross the silent empty ballroom
Doubt and anger past;
Blow the cobwebs from the mirror,
See yourself at last.

Put your hand behind the wainscot,
You have done your part;
Find the penknife there and plunge it
Into your false heart
瀏覽次數:220    人氣指數:3360    累積鼓勵:157
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Déranger Les Pi 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 J'Arrive A Toi