籬畔秋酣一覺清, 和雲伴月不分明. 林黛玉菊夢 第三十八回
登仙非慕莊生蝶, 憶舊還尋陶令盟
睡去依依隨雁斷, 驚迴故故惱蛩鳴.
醒時幽怨同誰訴, 衰草寒煙無限情.
The Dream of the Chrysanthemums by River Queen
Light-headed in my autumn bed I lie
And seem to chase the moon across the sky.
Not imitate Zhuang's flittering butterfly!
Well,if immortal,I'll go seek old Tao,
Following the wild goose,into sleep I slid;
From which now,startled by the cricket's cry,
Midst cold and fog and dying leaves I wake,
With no one by to tell of my heart's ache.