%%- 不管辭典, 權威, 或書上怎麼說, 許多人對一些事物仍有自己的定義和見解, 定義本來就是人訂出來的嘛 有些人說搖滾樂在90年後就式微了, 該是指1990吧 搖滾的定義本身就一直在變, 我心中的搖滾到70年代中期就沒了 早年的rock'n'roll才是正宗的搖滾, 50年代末至70年代初應是全盛期吧 詩是詩, 詞是詞, 曲是曲, 宋詞不叫宋詩, 元曲不叫元詞 heavy metal rock, punk rock, grunge rock等, 就叫heavy metal, punk, grunge好了, 無須硬稱rock嘛 %%- AP news: "A suicide bomber slipped thru tight security and blew himself up in the Iraqi parliament Thursday. 8 people including parliament members were killed in the deadliest-ever attack in the US-guarded Green Zone." Civilians, parliament members, government officers, police, coalition troops, all in fear, every moment. Didn't Bush say not long ago the Iraqi security situation had been greatly improved? Misinformed, lying, or what? I think it's what. |