●Measuring the World (German: Die Vermessung der Welt) is a 2005 novel by German author Daniel Kehlmann. The novel re-imagines the lives of German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss and German geographer Alexander von Humboldt – who was accompanied on his journeys by Aimé Bonpland – and their many groundbreaking ways of taking the world's measure, as well as their travels in South America and their meeting in 1828. The English translation is by Carol Brown Janeway (November 2006). The book was a bestseller; by 2012 it had sold more than 2.3 million copies in Germany alone
●奧里諾科河(西班牙語:Río Orinoco),是南美洲主要河流之一,全長2,410公里,流域面積88萬平方公里。南美洲第三大河,僅次於亞馬孫河及巴拉那河。奧里諾科河發源於委內瑞拉南部靠近巴西的帕里馬山脈,上游向西北流去,並向南分出卡西基亞雷河注入內格羅河,從而直接溝通亞馬孫河水系。流至Raudales de Guaharibos後進入中游,在聖費爾南多轉而折向北,成為哥倫比亞和委內瑞拉的界河。自梅塔河注入後進入下游,自帕埃斯港起轉而折向東北,最終注入加勒比海帕里亞灣。全河呈半圓形繞過蓋亞那高原。