Briggs Initiative, which attempted to remove all gay or lesbian school employees or their supporters from their jobs.
Harvey Milk 曾精彩反駁:
"If it were true that children mimicked their teachers, you'd sure have a helluva lot more nuns running around".
3.美國講獨立宣言、什麼『人皆生而平等』,其實是講假的,難怪李敖要在《陽痿美國》一書中一任一任清算歷任美國總統。黑人「民權法」(CIVIL RIGHTS ACT)到1964年才通過,印地安人「印地安人自決和教育援助法」通過是在1975年。同性戀比他們都不如,在1978年還差點被衛道者閹割人權。
最後記句Harvey Milk的遺言當結尾:
If a bullet should enter my brain,