小寒不是已經過了嗎? 幹麼今天會剩下8度....冷死我啦 >""""<
昨夜, 在車站, 瑟縮於冷風之中, 看到一對老夫妻, 剛好趕不到巴士, 帶點氣喘地在車站等候
"都叫你早一點出門的啦..." "下一班車也不用等太久的..." (老婆婆在看她拿著的袋子) "哎呀, 忘記帶手袋..." "老是那麼大意的, 已經提醒了你別少帶東西...= =" "我現在回家拿, 待會兒車來了你先出發吧!" "和你一起回去啦~" "不用啦, 你留在這裡等車, 我自己回去可以了" "我陪你回去啦" "都說了不用啦, 你看到有車便先上吧, 待回我可以乘另一輛車來嘛" "一起走吧" (老公公慾追著老婆婆走, 但老婆婆就是不肯) "總之你留下來吧, 我自己回去可以了" (老婆婆獨自離開) (老公公呆呆地看著老婆婆, 見她走了幾步, 也無奈地回頭步向車站) (老婆婆停下來, 轉身) "喂" (老公公聽不到, 繼續步向車站) (老婆婆大聲地)"喂~~~" (老公公回頭) "怎麼了" "一起走吧"(裝著沒事發生) (老公公陪老婆婆回家去了)
看著, 會心一笑[:)] 不造作, 淡淡的, 卻是彼此關顧的感情 這個冬天, 不太冷喔~ (雖然仍在寒風中瑟縮著 ^^!)
車程之後, 是一班大學的好朋友聚餐 其中一個與我同年的好姊妹帶了未婚夫來, 給我們見一下嘛[=D] 他們將會在2月中在美國結婚 (他倆在美國讀書時認識的, 異地情緣啊!!!)
同時, 另一個很久沒見的弟兄, 只比我大一年, 也說今年5月結婚了, 還已經買了房子呢~
同桌大大部份朋友都已經拍拖了, 在大家都把注意力集中在好姊妹身上時, 另一個姊妹突然問我: "你呢? 拍拖未丫?" "......別提了 v_v......" 她見我由高興變成無奈, 立即打圓場 "不要緊, 很快就會有的了 =)" 雖然善意的安慰, 感謝她和其他好朋友的支持
但自己的事自己知, 那有這麼快找到一個能付託終身的人? 很難, 真的很難, 我知道的 ...[:(]
不過, 既然今天難得是充滿愛的溫馨的日子, 我也不會因為自己是單身而傷心失落的!!!
有幾大班朋友, 生活不愁悶 還要苦嗎?
雖然, 還期待遇上可以相愛的人[:%%]
回家的路上, 想起這首歌呢~ 一首第一次聽, 已經很感動的歌
Perhaps Love
Perhaps love is like a resting place A shelter from the storm It exists to give you comfort It is there to keep you warm And in those times of trouble When you are most alone The memory of love will bring you home
Perhaps love is like a window Perhaps an open door It invites you to come closer It wants to show you more And even if you lose yourself And don't know what to do The memory of love will see you through
Love to some is like a cloud To some as strong as steel
For some a way of living For some a way to feel
And some say love is holding on And some say letting go And some say love is everything And some say they don't know
Perhaps love is like the ocean Full of conflict, full of pain Like a fire when it's cold outside Thunder when it rains If I should live forever And all my dreams come true My memories of love will be of you
And some say love is holding on And some say letting go
And some say love is everything And some say they don`t know
Perhaps love is like the ocean Full of conflict, full of pain Like a fire when it`s cold outside Or thunder when it rains If I should live forever And all my dreams come true My memories of love will be of you
仍然期待~ 呵呵 [:D]
在我的Opendiary內有其他相關的日記, 有興趣的朋友可以去看看啊~ http://www.opendiary.com/entrylist.asp?authorcode=A544579&mode=date
來了的話歡迎留言^^ (不用註冊戶口的, 但要自己留下大名啊 XP)