Hope I addressed the song you meant. As "Teekenmasterbrendan" asked above, not sure which of these great favorites, you refer to in your question. To me, all these songs are testament to the greatness of Teresa Teng. As a Texas cowboy, I never imagined an Asian angel could so capture my heart, but no one ever sang like Miss Teresa. God bless her legacy, music, spirit, for time and eternity. She was a heaven sent Asian Angel, indeed.
Dear friend, The song is entitled "The Moon Represents My Heart." This is perhaps the most beloved love song in Asian history. No one sang it like the matchless angel, Teresa Teng...Blessings from Texas.
yours is the best upload of TT singing the first song that I came across in U tube. Similarly for the other songs. The sound and visual all very clear.in qualityl. Thanx.
拜託,請不要再為是中國或台灣兩地之間而爭吵了,其實兩岸三地都 是中國人。“本是同根生,相煎了太急?” 難道不怕讓外人拿來當笑柄嗎?
鄧麗君小姐本人也不想看到有這種事發生啊!她是一位愛國,愛中華 民族的歌手,她只希望所有中華同胞們都獲得民主自由的生活,假如 她是天使,她一定會施法保佑我們大家,請大家寬心相待!
teresaT520 1 月 以前 24
鄧麗君小姐一輩子是個堅決反共的愛國藝人,畢生捍衛中華民國,因 為三民主義沒有在大陸實現,寧可不要北京大筆酬勞,也不要去大陸 ,甚至為64大學生在相挺開唱,,所以,你要嘛就欣賞他的歌,若 扯上政治,他只愛大陸中國人,痛恨共產黨,請共產黨土匪滾開!!
fun541028 1 月 以前 19